[Plaintiffs Wanted] Looking for grooveshark.com users

by | Jan 25, 2014 | Free Speech, Intellectual Property, Notice | 0 comments

Open Net is preparing an administrative suit to undo the blocking, on behalf of the users, independently from Grooveshark. On November 22, 2014, the Korea Communications Standards Commission (“KCSC”) had blocked the access to “http://grooveshark.com.” Grooveshark objected to the blocking but KCSC dismissed the objection on January 22, 2014.


Open Net had published a commentary on the illegality and unreasonableness of the KCSC blocking decision as follows:

[To read the commentary, click here]
[To read a related news article in Korean, click here]


This litigation is of an experimental nature. There is a high possibility that the court will not consider the merit of the case as the plaintiffs are the users of grooveshark.com, and not Grooveshark itself, whom the blocking decision is compelled upon.

Therefore, we need users’ active participation.

Open Net will provide all necessary funds required for this impact litigation.

Open Net is looking for plaintiffs falling under any one of three categories below:

(1) paying users in Korea who are no longer able to access grooveshark.com due to the KCSC’s blocking;

(2) paying or non-paying users who had used grooveshark.com overeas and are no longer able to access grooveshark.com after entering Korea due to the KCSC’s blocking; or

(3) artists who have uploaded musical works created by themselves on grooveshark.com and are no longer able to share their music with the users in Korea due to the KCSC’s blocking.


Please email us specifying your mobile number and which category of plaintiff you are at ma****@op*****.kr by Monday, February 3, 2014, if you would like to take part in the litigation.


Please read the Korean original here.



  1. Open Net files an administrative lawsuit against KCSC's blocking of Grooveshark | opennet - […] Open Net searches for plaintiffs in a lawsuit against KCSC […]

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