On July 12, 54 Members of the European Parliament expressed deep concern about the European Commission’s plans to change the net neutrality legislation. The Members argued that “a new provision (that) would require payments from online service providers to broadband providers” “would reverse decades of successful internet economics by requiring the providers of websites and applications to pay fees to ISPs that have never existed before.” and that such measures would “abolish key net neutrality guarantees that Europeans fought hard for.”
Earlier in June, Open Net and 30 other civil society organizations from 15 countries sent an open letter to the Commissioners to express deep concerns on “the public statements from May 2 that appeared to aim at drastically altering the regulatory framework underpinning the free and open internet.”
*This is a partial translation of Open Net’s original statement in Korean. You can find the full Korean version here. Contact us at ma****@op*****.kr for more information.