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Open Net Co-host Webinar on the Appeal against the Website Blocking of Women On Web by KCSC
On 9 November 2023, the Korea University Law School's International Human Rights Clinic (hereafter...

Open Net Speaks to Brazil and ANATEL on network usage fee proposal
On April 28, K.S. Park spoke at an event organized by ITS Rio and Association for Progressive...
Standing in solidarity with the Women and People of South Korea as the Government Denies Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights
Women On Web, an online organization committed to providing vital information on sexual and...

Part 1 of Open Net’s Special Lecture Series on Media Literacy (14:00 April 5, online)
You can read the Korean original here.
[PITA Task Force] PITA Task Force Condemns the National Assembly for Passing the ‘National High-Tech Strategic Businesses Act’ That Undermines the People’s Right to Know
You can read the Korean original here.
[PITA Task Force] Stop the ‘National High-Tech Strategic Businesses Act’! Civil Society Demands Revision of PITA (Prevention of Divulgence and Protection of Industrial Technology Act) In Joint Signature
You can read the Korean original here.
KCC(Korea Communications Commission) should immediately cease the unconstitutional operation of the ‘Fake News Eradication Task Force’
Before uploading the English version, please read the...
Open Net to National Assembly: Open Net submits objections to the temporary measures for the press article mediation bill(proposed amendment to the Act On Press Arbitration And Damage Remedies)
Before uploading the English version, please read the...
Open letter to the government of South Korea and the Freedom Online Coalition
Before uploading the English version, please read the...

Responsible AI: Data governance is key
KS Park's comment at Korea AI Summit on December 15, 2022. Computers scientists have become...

Fragmented Data Governance UBC Seminar: “Data flow is not just a trade but a human right. Avoid escalation in forming regional block”
K.S. Park participated in a panel on fragmented data governance held on December 6, 2022 by UBC...
Problems and Countermeasures of Commercial Surveillance Focused On Targeted Advertising – Seoul Human Rights Conference (December 8, 2022)
*An English translation is currently unavailable for this publication. You can find the original...
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