Please read the Korean original here.
Press Release

Open Net Sponsored the Asia Pacific School on Internet Governance (APSIG)
Open Net supports the operation of ‘Asia Pacific School on...
KCSC Should Dismiss Liberty Korea Party’s “Political Party Defamation” Deliberation Request
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Welcomes the Constitutional Court’s Decision Striking Down Wiretapping Law as Applied to Packet Surveillance and Cell Tower Metadata Acquisition
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Appointed as a Member of the Special Advisory Committee to the KCSC
Open Net’s Attorney Jiwon Son was appointed as a member of...
Open Net Submitted an Opinion Opposing an Amendment to the Patent Act that Extends Computer Program Patent to Online Distribution
Please read the Korean original here.
Watch Out for the Threats to Freedom of Expression and Privacy in the Name of Copyright Protection
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Opposes “Druking” Prevention Bill – Restriction on the Methods of Expression is Freedom of Expression Infringement!
Please read the Korean original here.
Monitoring of KCSC’s Deliberation Meetings Showed Incompetence and Insensibility of Some Members
Please read the Korean original here.
330 Legal Professionals including Professors and Lawyers Announced “Declaration for the Abolition of Truth Defamation”
Open Net held a press conference for “the Declaration of...
Open Net Submitted an Opinion on the Third National Action Plans for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (NAP)
Open Net submitted an opinion on the Third National Action...
The position of the Civil Society and Labor Unions on the Utilization of Healthcare Big Data
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Submitted an Opinion to the Special Committee for Constitution Reform of the National Assembly
Open Net submitted an opinion to the Special Committee for...
Open Net Submitted its Opinions on the Key Policy Agenda of the Fourth KCC
Open Net submitted a report on the major policy agenda of...
Open Net Became a Member of the “Internet Win-Win Council” of the KCC
Open Net was appointed as a member of the “Internet...