Open Net General Counsel Kelly Kim won the lawsuit for the...
Press Release
Open Net Successfully Defended the Police Defamation Victim HONG Ga-hye at the Supreme Court
Open Net provided legal support to Ga-hye Hong, who was...

“Borderless Internet and Digital Sovereignty” Seminar Successfully Concluded
Open Net co-hosted seminar “Borderless Internet and...

Open Net Hosts “Borderless Internet vs. Digital Sovereignty” Seminar
Open Net Hosts “Borderless Internet vs. Digital...
Open Net submitted an Opinion to the National Human Rights Commission
In order to promote the freedom of expression and the...

Open Net’s Participation at the 2018 OGP Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting held in Seoul
Open Net organized a couple of workshops at the 2018 OGP...
Aticle 19 Condemned Truth Defamation of Korea
Article 19, an international human rights group that...
Open Net Welcomes the Supreme Court’s Announcement on the Public Disclosure of Court Judgments
Open Net has been actively advocating for open data...
Government and the Minjoo Party Should Stop the War against Fake News!
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Opposes Rep. BYUN Jaeill’s Local Server Requirement Bill That Would Allow State Monitoring and Censorship of All Internet Traffic
Please read the Korean original here.
Lawmakers Should Stop Trying to Regulate “Webcasting” as “Broadcasting”
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Appointed as a Member of the ‘5G Communication Policy Council’
Open Net was appointed as a member of the '5G...
Open Net Submitted an Opinion to the Public Administration and Security Committee of the National Assembly
Open Net submitted an opinion to the Public Administration...
Open Net Submitted an Opinion Opposing the Hate Speech Monitoring Obligation Bill
Please read the Korean original here.
Criminally Charging the Operator of a Radical Feminist Website “WOMAD” as Aiding Distribution of Child Pornography Has No Legal Ground and Chilling Effect on the Users
Please read the Korean original here.