Please read the Korean original here.
Press Release
What Open Net Expects of the 5G Communication Policy Council Under the Ministry of Science and ICT – Strengthening Net Neutrality in the 5G Era
The 5G Communication Policy Council, created by the...
“Sender-Pay Rule” Under Interconnection Regulation of 2016 Threatening Net Neutrality Should Be Abolished! Facebook-Skt Settlement Shows How Isp Can Shift the Cost of Complying With the Regulation Onto Users
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Welcomes the KCSC’s Decision to Not Block Access to the Website “Bad Fathers” That List Parents Who Refuse to Pay Child Support
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Voices Concerns Over the Government’s Decision to Implement SNI Field Filtering
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Submitted an Opinion Opposing the Sentencing Commission’s Sentencing Guidelines on Defamation
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Invites Frode Sorensen to Speak at “Net Neutrality in Europe for the 5G Era” Seminar
Please read the Korean original here.
Sentencing Commission Should Withdraw Its Sentencing Guidelines Proposal Aggravating Punishment for Defamation and Insult
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Submitted Its Objection to the Proposed OTT Regulations in the Consolidated Broadcasting Act
Please read the Korean original here.
The KCSC’s Deliberation on “Information Similar to a Broadcast” is Excessive – the KCSC Must Cease Its Efforts to Censor “Information Similar to a Broadcast” Under the Broadcasting Act
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Opposes the Amendment to the Telecommunications Business Act That Fosters Private Censorship by Enforcing Excessive Monitoring Responsibilities on Webhard (Cyberlocker) Operators
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Won the Trial Against KT for Disclosure of Subscriber’s Personal Information
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Submitted its Objection to the Bill That Mandates Intermediaries to Monitor and Delete Defamatory Information
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Submitted its Opinions on the Amendments to the Telecommunications Business Act and the Information and Communications Network Act That Restrict Users’ Freedom of Expression and Right of Access to Information
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Denounces the Prosecutor’s Request to Fine Lee Seok Woo, the Former CEO of Kakao, for Violation of the Child Pornography Law – Intermediaries Should Be Punished in Exceptional Cases Because They Are Not Child Pornography Producers Nor Distributors
Please read the Korean original here.