On 6 June 2019, Open Net was granted the “Special...
Press Release
Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Leading French Expert on Artificial Intelligence, to Speak at a Seminar Hosted by Open Net and the Embassy of France
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Co-Hosts Seminar, “WHO’s Inclusion of Gaming Disorder in the International Classification of Diseases and Freedom of Speech”
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Opposes Representative HA Taekeung’s Proposed Amendments to the ‘Information and Communications Network Act’ That Calls for the Shutdown of WOMAD, a Radical Feminists’ Online Community
Please read the Korean original here.
Korea Communications Standards Commission Releases Report on its Internet Contents Deliberations of 2018
Please read the Korean original here.
RDR(Ranking Digital Rights)’s Corporate Accountability Index for 2019 Released – Kakao and Samsung, which researchers in Open Net Conducted Preliminary Research On, Comes in 6th and 9th, Respectively
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Opposes Representative PARK Wansu’s Proposed Bill That Calls for Aggravated Punishment of Cyber Insult
Please read the Korean original here.
Government Should Propose Amendments to the ‘Protection of Communications Secrets Act’ in Accordance With the Constitutional Court’s Ruling
Please read the Korean original here.
Bill that Requires Value-Added Telecommunications Businesses to Secure Network Capacity Ignores the Democratic Nature of the Internet – It Will Only Serve to Enrich ISPs
Please read the Korean original here.
Joint Press Meeting for International Experts on Freedom of Speech
- Druking/Kim Kyung Soo online opinion rigging - 1980...
Open Net Hosts Press Conference With Leading Experts on Freedom of Speech – Kim Kyong-soo/Druking Case, Bill Proposing to Criminalize Insult of the May 18 Democratization Movement, and Graffiti on the Berlin Wall Located Near Cheonggye Stream Case
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Submitted its Opinion on the ‘Special Act on the May 18 Democratization Movement, etc.’ that Criminalizes Insult to the May 18 Democratization Movement and Its Victims
Please read the Korean original here.
Laws Punishing Defamation or Insult to the May 18 Democratization Movement Should Be Meticulously Designed
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Welcomes the Not Guilty Decision of Lee Seok-woo, the Former CEO of Kakao, Who Was Charged for Not Implementing Technical Measures to Filter Child Pornography on Kakaogroup
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Submitted Opinions on Amendments to the Criminal Act and the Information and Communications Network Act Aimed at Reducing the Scope of Criminal Punishment of Truth Defamation
Please read the Korean original here.