Open Net Association’s input to UN SR FOE on disinformation (cf. Myanmar)
Today, Open Net submitted the following input to United...
Korea’s COVID-19 success and mandatory phone tracking
Kyung Sin Park Professor, Korea University Law...
Mozilla Hosts a Webinar on Network Neutrality in Korea
On March 13 and 14, 2020, Mozilla hosted a series of...
Comments on the first version of a draft text of a Recommendation on the Ethics of AI
* This is an opinion submitted to the Secretariat of the...
Indonesia’s new UGC platform regulation evaluated against international standard
*I was invited to speak at "Digital Week 2020: Shaping...
Dangers of notice-and-takedown as liability not a safe harbor in Indonesia
* I was invited to speak at an event held...
Social media governance: Danger of holding intermediaries liability for noticed contents – Kyung Sin Park – Submitted to Asian Internet History Project, 4th Decade
Social media is punctuated by such concepts as...
Law Asia Webinar, “Government Accountability during COVID-19: The Citizen’s Right to Know”
On 9 June 2020, General Counsel Kelly Kim participated in...
Open Net’s comments on GC37 on Right of Peaceful Assembly
*This is an opinion submitted to UN Human Rights Committee...
Data as public goods – Berlin IGF 2019
Datafication of Body considered – Berlin IGF 2019
*This is a summary of Kyung Sin Park's thoughts and speech...
Pitfalls of Innocent takedown regimes – Berlin IGF 2019
This is a summary of Kyung Sin Park's speech at an IGF...
Need for new conceptions of net neutrality – Berlin IGF 2019
*This is a summary of Kyung Sin Park's speech at the...
Sexual expressions in Korea: sex workers and children hurt by laws protecting them – Berlin IGF 2019
*This is a summary of Kyoungmi Oh's speech at an IGF...