SKB filed an application for adjudication to the Korean...
Net Neutrality
November 7, 2019 Special Seminar on Reforming Interconnection Rules
Toward Free and Fair Internet Ecosystem: Special Seminar...
Open Net Welcomes the Results of the Facebook-KCC Lawsuit
The Administrative Court has ruled in favor of the...
Open Net Hosts Sessions on Net Neutrality and Open Data Analysis at KrIGF 2019
Please read the Korean original here.
5G Network Slicing and Its Arguments – K.S. Park at Rightscon 2019 Tunis Session: “Millimeter Waves, Small Cells, Beamforming, Oh My? Anticipating and Addressing Human Rights Impacts in a 5G Environment”
Korean telcos are trying something new. They are trying to...
Bill that Requires Value-Added Telecommunications Businesses to Secure Network Capacity Ignores the Democratic Nature of the Internet – It Will Only Serve to Enrich ISPs
Please read the Korean original here.
What Open Net Expects of the 5G Communication Policy Council Under the Ministry of Science and ICT – Strengthening Net Neutrality in the 5G Era
The 5G Communication Policy Council, created by the...
“Sender-Pay Rule” Under Interconnection Regulation of 2016 Threatening Net Neutrality Should Be Abolished! Facebook-Skt Settlement Shows How Isp Can Shift the Cost of Complying With the Regulation Onto Users
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Invites Frode Sorensen to Speak at “Net Neutrality in Europe for the 5G Era” Seminar
Please read the Korean original here.

“Borderless Internet and Digital Sovereignty” Seminar Successfully Concluded
Open Net co-hosted seminar “Borderless Internet and...

Open Net Hosts “Borderless Internet vs. Digital Sovereignty” Seminar
Open Net Hosts “Borderless Internet vs. Digital...
Open Net Appointed as a Member of the ‘5G Communication Policy Council’
Open Net was appointed as a member of the '5G...

Open Net Hosted “Where is Net Neutrality Going in the Age of 5G” Seminar at the National Assembly
pen Net co-hosted a seminar on net neutrality “Where is...

Open Net Sponsored the Asia Pacific School on Internet Governance (APSIG)
Open Net supports the operation of ‘Asia Pacific School on...

Open Net co-hosted the Korea Internet Governance Forum (KrIGF) 2018
Open Net co-hosts and is on the Program Committee of the...