On January 17, 2025, Kyoungmi (Kimmy) Oh attended a...
Taming Copyrights Issues in Machine Learning for Internet Freedom
The Internet has contributed to political equality and...

Open Net joins Heads of State at Paris AI Action Summit to discuss what governments should do and should not do: singularity control vs training data sanitization
On February 10, Open Net joined the heads of state at the...

Why Ethical AI Governance must be Multi-stakeholder, not AI Safety Institutes (Paris, AI, NOC)
KS Park's comment at Network of Centers' on February 9,...
Open Net joins global internet & society conference in Bangkok: Role of Universities in AI governance
The Global Network of Centers of Internet and Society had...
Summaries of speaker input in French AI Seminar in Seoul: Educate AI before using AI Education!
These are the notes of the speakers' input at the...

French government and Open Net host Artificial Intelligence Debate on Taiwan, France, and South Korea and discuss AI Digital Text books
Background: AI Regional Debate Since 2023, the French...

Open Net strategizes in DC on protecting multistakeholderistic Internet from joint state control
Open Net joined the following expert meeting, and KS...

CSOs gather to discuss HR-friendly technical standards; Open Net stresses on end-to-end principle
Open Net co-hosted the following event with UN Office of...

Responsible AI: Data governance is key
KS Park's comment at Korea AI Summit on December 15, 2022....

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Publishes Report on “Data Governance, Asian Alternatives: How India and Korea are Creating New Models and Policies”.
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace published a...
Regulating and creating values in metaverse
K.S. Park's presentation at a Meta-sponsored webinar...
Data Security, Privacy and Innovation Capability in Asia
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung published a report on ‘Data...
Blockchain Governance Initiative Network – workshop on govt strategy
Blockchain Governance Initiative Network had its 5th block...
Disinformation and algorithmic transparency
Kyung Sin Park's panel presentation at UNESCO World Press...