Louis Vuitton has won its first round of trademark...
[Press Conference]Public Announcement for Font File Copyright Royalty Negotiation Guidelines
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UN Human Rights Committee Urges South Korea to Abolish Criminal Defamation and Stop Using It to Crack Down on Free Speech
The UN Human Rights Committee has recommended that South...
Expressing Regret over the Constitutional Court’s Decision to Remove the Right to Access Pseudonymous Information
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Loss in Administrative Lawsuit Regarding the Blocking of a Site Providing Abortion Information: Is Abortion Now Unrestricted Due to the Loss of Effectiveness of Abortion Criminalization?
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Open Net joins the GNI(Global Network Initiative)
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We condemn the unconstitutional control of the media and attempts to control the internet by KCC and KCSC
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Domestic network operators have lower RDR corporate responsibility indexes compared to large international telecommunications companies
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[Special Talk] Navigating Copyright Challenges and Strategic Responses in the AI Era: Spotlighting 3 Key Points
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KCC(Korea Communications Commission) should immediately cease the unconstitutional operation of the ‘Fake News Eradication Task Force’
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Open Net to National Assembly: Open Net submits objections to the temporary measures for the press article mediation bill(proposed amendment to the Act On Press Arbitration And Damage Remedies)
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Open letter to the government of South Korea and the Freedom Online Coalition
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Is it possible to buy a “Ten-won bread” with 400 of them?: Addressing the Bank of Korea’s claim that “Ten-won bread” infringes on copyright
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Stop the investigation miusing of the Personal Information Protection Act to protect high-ranking governmental officials
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Politics and Internet is an Inevitably Explosive Mix: the case of online opinion rigging
Kyung Sin "KS" Park, Professor, Korea University Law...